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Health and Safety Induction Checklist

Got a new starter or personnel changing jobs within your business? Then you’ll need to conduct and sign off a basic health and safety induction. To make the task quick and easy we’ve created a free template to use for any workplace health and safety induction.

Download the safety induction form online, fill in the relevant details, then date and initial each box to ensure you cover everything. If you want to create your own from scratch then we’ve also put together a thorough health and safety induction checklist below to guide you.

Download a free health and safety induction template

What is a health and safety induction?

A health and safety induction is a short process that introduces new employees to the risks and management process of the workplace. It outlines specific hazards of their new role and working environment, explains how these are managed safely, and the role they have to help ensure operations run safely.

Health and safety induction training is crucial for any job to inform employees of the processes and procedures. The safety induction should be carried out on the employee’s first day in their new role ideally to minimise the chance of any incidents. Following a checklist ensures nothing is missed.

It’s important that a health and safety induction form is filled in, signed, and dated once the induction has taken place. This demonstrates that the employee has received the relevant training and understands the risks and safety procedures in place. It also protects the business as the form acts as proof the proper training was conducted.

What should a health and safety induction include?

A health and safety induction should include all the information required for someone to carry out their job safely. This includes details of the role, risks and hazards, welfare arrangements, HR and safety executive contact details, risk control measures, and training requirements. Procedures for accident and incident reporting should also be included.

Every health and safety induction form should list the subject or requirements with boxes to date and sign when each part of the induction is complete. It also needs to include the employee and employer’s name, workplace, start date, and signatures from the employee and manager (or person running the workplace health and safety induction).

Use the free template to ensure your health and safety induction for new staff includes everything it should. You can also make your own from scratch – though it’s not as easy as using Protecting’s professional software to create a risk assessment online in minutes, but it is simple.

Use the following health and safety induction checklist to cover all the key points:

Basic health and safety induction checklist

This health and safety induction checklist covers all the key sections to include in your training and form:



I confirm I have made myself familiar with the health and safety policy and risk assessments relating to my employment. I understand and accept my responsibilities as an employee with regards to health and safety.


Health and safety induction for new employees – template

Save time, money, and effort with our free template for a health and safety induction form. It was created by health and safety experts and professionals so you can rely on its contents and format. Download a copy of the Microsoft Word document today, edit it, and save or print it off for safekeeping.

Download a health and safety induction template