
System includes

Here is a list of what’s included in Protecting.

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Construction Contractors Health and Safety Questionnaire

If you work with contractors then you’ll need them to complete a health and safety questionnaire. Save time and effort with a free questionnaire about health and safety for any construction contractors you employ to complete – before they start work on a project.

Download a free health and safety questionnaire

You’ll also want to ensure contractors have their risk assessment and method statements (RAMS) in place for each job site. Anyone can create RAMS online in minutes with Protecting’s health and safety software. Start your free 15-day trial to see how easy it is to manage such documentation online.

Create a health and safety questionnaire for construction contractors

If you want to create your own bespoke health and safety questionnaire for any construction contractors your business uses then follow the template below. Our health and safety experts at Protecting have put together the questionnaire that you can copy, paste, and edit to suit your needs.

Template of a sample questionnaire on health and safety for construction contractors


It’s our policy to formally approve contractors prior to awarding contracts. We require this document to be completed and returned to allow us to compare potential contractors. All answers given may be subject to further scrutiny at a later date. Please provide the documentation requested with your response.

Please provide copies of the following documentation:

The health and safety questionnaire for employees and contractors

Please indicate a yes or no and provide any further information as you see fit.

Health and Safety Advice
Your organisation, and your employees must have ready access to competent health and safety advice, preferably from within your own organisation.

Who has the main health and safety responsibility within your organisation?

Health and Safety Policy
Please provide a signed and dated copy of the current company health and safety policy and organisation for the management of health and safety.

This should be regularly reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director or equivalent.

The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your work and set out the responsibilities for health and safety management at all levels within the organisation.

Provide information that sets out the arrangements for the management of health and safety. These should be relevant to the nature and scale of your work to be carried out.

Staff Training and Development
Please provide evidence of staff training to ensure their competence to carry out the work at our premises.
You should have in place and implement training arrangements to ensure your employees have the skills and understanding necessary to discharge their duties.

Individual Qualifications and/or Competence
Please provide information and evidence of individual qualifications and experience for carrying out the work being tendered for.

Employees are expected to have the appropriate qualifications and experience for the assigned tasks unless they are under controlled and competent supervision.

Monitoring and Review
Please provide evidence of monitoring, audit, and review of the health and safety policy and work activities.

Communication and Consultation
Communication and consultation is the key to worker understanding and involvement in safety management of the workplace.

Please provide evidence of such a consultation.

Accident/Incident Investigation and Recording
Please provide evidence showing how you record and investigate accidents and incidents. Where applicable please also provide evidence of the following:

Risk Assessments
Please provide evidence showing how the company will identify significant health and safety risks and how they will be controlled. Please also provide examples of risk assessments relating to the work to be carried out.

If you employ less than five people and don’t have written arrangements, you should be able to describe how you achieve the above.

Method Statements
Please provide evidence that specific method statements have been created in conjunction with the risk assessment process, and that cover all aspects of safety-related aspects of activities to be undertaken.

Co-operation and Co-ordination with Others
Please provide details to demonstrate how you co-operate with others and how you co-ordinate your work with that of other contractors.

Evidence may include sample risk assessments, procedural arrangements, project team meeting notes, or other evidence of how the company co-ordinates its work with other trades.

Welfare Provision
Please provide evidence of how you meet welfare requirements. This may include health and safety policy commitment, contracts with welfare facility providers, and details of the type of welfare facilities provided on previous projects.

Work Experience
Please provide a simple record of a recent project/contract that has been undertaken, with the phone numbers/addresses of contacts who can verify that work was carried out with due regard to health and safety. You should give details of relevant experience in the field of work for which you are applying.

Work Equipment
Please provide evidence of arrangements to carry out service and maintenance to plant or equipment used by the workforce in connection with the discharging of their duties.

Hire Equipment
Do you have a system for ensuring hired equipment is safe to use? Please provide supporting evidence of such systems.