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First Aid Kit Contents Checklist

open first aid kit showing its contents.Putting together or assessing a first aid kit? It’s important that you have the correct supplies in stock and in the box. Stay safe and legal with a free first aid contents checklist from Protecting. It includes everything your business, workplace, or any kind of organisation should have in its first aid kits.

Our health and safety experts have put together a professional first aid kit contents checklist that you can rely on. You can quickly and easily ensure every first aid box in your business contains the right items, equipment, and resources to attend to an emergency on site.

Opening a first aid box to find what you need isn’t there can cause serious problems. Regularly reviewing the contents ensures you’re well prepared to deal with any medical emergency, no matter how big or small. Copy the below first aid kit inventory checklist and make it your own.

First aid box checklist

The contents of your workplace first aid boxes should be based on a first aid needs assessment of your business. Workplace activities and their risk levels affect what you need to tick off from a first aid box checklist. It can influence the contents of your first aid box and the quantity of certain items and equipment.

For example, a first aid equipment checklist for a restaurant may focus on having more plasters due to the use of knives and a greater risk of cuts. An office first aid kit checklist is less likely to need as many plasters, but it should still include some. Use and adapt the below first aid box checklist to suit your needs.

If you want to save time on your health and safety then check out our risk assessment software. You can create all sorts of unlimited important health and safety documents in minutes to help create an effective first aid kit. Enjoy a free 15-day trial to see how it can improve your workplace safety.

First aid kit checklist – UK regulations

The current “HSE Approved” first aid kits are based on guidance produced by the British Healthcare Trade Association (BHTA). The BHTA has withdrawn this guidance from 31 December 2011. It has been replaced by a British Standard: BS 8599. This standard, which requires additional equipment to be stocked in first aid kits, took effect on 1 January 2012.

However, although many suppliers state that existing kits are out of date and must be replaced, this isn’t the case. If you have kits that comply with the HSE-approved criteria and that are sufficient for your needs following your first aid assessment, you are compliant with the Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) that supports the First Aid at Work – Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

You will only need to replace current kits when the HSE amends either the ACoP or the Regulations. If you are purchasing new kits, either the current HSE-approved kits or the new ones that meet BS 8599 are acceptable at the present time.

First aid box checklist template

Use the below first aid box checklist template to ensure all first aid kits across your organisation contain the appropriate equipment. It covers all the basic items as well as optional extras for improved safety. For further help and information, you can check out our first aid checklist.

Copy, paste, and adapt the following workplace first aid kit checklist to meet the needs of your business:



First aid kit contents list

Answer yes, no, or not applicable for each part, unless stated otherwise.

Basic first aid items

As a minimum, are the following items available, in date, and intact:

Extra first aid items

Where identified by the findings of the first aid needs assessment, are the following items provided:

Travelling first aid kit inventory checklist – basic items

Do first aid kits for those who regularly travel contain the following items:

Travelling first aid kit – extra items

Where identified by the findings of the first aid needs assessment, are the following items provided:

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