
System includes

Here is a list of what’s included in Protecting.

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Free Health and Safety Checklists

Find and follow the right health and safety checklist to tick off all the hazards for any task or workplace. We’ve put together a variety of hazard checklists to make protecting your staff, customers, and business easy. These range from generic hazard and risk checklists to ones focused on specific equipment, industries, and workplaces.

Identify risks and put a plan in place to control and minimise hazards on site, in an office, or elsewhere with an appropriate health and safety checklist. Alternatively, if you want to save time and create custom risk assessments online, then try a free 15-day trial of our risk assessment software.

Hazard checklists

Explore the wide range of hazard checklists available online  simply click the link below to see the checklist of your choice: