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Hand-arm Vibration Risk Assessment Checklist

man using a sander.Exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV) can cause serious health problems such as vibration white finger, muscle and joint weakening, and painful arm numbness. The use of power tools like grinders, pneumatic drills, and sanders are common sources of HAV. A hand arm vibration risk assessment should be carried out in such circumstances.

Construction sites, garages, and workshops are workplaces where there’s a higher risk of HAV exposure due to the use of power tools and heavy machinery. Hand arm vibration risk assessments check for hazards that could expose employees and anyone else to vibration, which may lead to health problems.

Conducting a HAV assessment helps check for any risks and put in place an action plan to reduce the chance of exposure and potential negative health impacts. Use the below free hand-arm vibration risk assessment checklist to identify such hazards when putting together a risk assessment.

Hand-arm vibration assessment

A hand-arm vibration assessment should identify where there’s a risk of vibration exposure, who it could affect, and what control measures should be put in place. Employers in the UK have a legal responsibility under the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 to act when daily vibration exposure exceeds a certain amount.

The current hand-arm vibration exposure limit value is a daily exposure of 5 m/s2. Reviewing the tools and machinery and their use helps highlight when and where these limits may be breached. Conduct a risk assessment to assess all vibration hazards and create an effective plan to control them.

HAV risk assessment checklist

This checklist is designed to inform a risk assessment. Copy, paste, and edit the below checklist and use it to create an effective risk assessment for hand-arm vibration.

Tool or equipment

Tool or equipment being assessed:


Serial number:

Assessing vibration exposure

Health checks

Obtain this information by questioning users of vibrating tools/equipment:

Managing vibration exposure

No indicates that a hazard is not present, and no further action is required.
Yes prompts an action for further investigation so that exposure can be either:

Remove or reduce vibration hazards

Control measures to remove or reduce vibration exposure:

  1. Elimination by removing the vibration exposure completely (by automating the task)
  2. Substitution with a lower vibration process or method of work
  3. Modification of the work process
  4. Supplying adequate training and information to all those exposed to vibration
  5. Effective maintenance (defective or worn tools and equipment will produce more vibration)
  6. Providing formal written procedures in the form of a safe system of work or a method statement
  7. Supplying protective equipment or clothing

Any identified hazard should be evaluated using a risk assessment. Try our risk assessment software to generate unlimited risk assessments and protect our employees and business.