Health and Safety Policy
A health and safety policy in the UK is a legal requirement for any company that employs five or more people. It must be written down and cover how your organisation manages any risks to protect employees, customers, clients, and others using or visiting your business.
Writing a health and safety policy and getting it right is important to safeguard your company, protect individuals, and avoid potential penalties. Learn how to create an effective workplace health and safety policy with these answers to common queries and expert tips.
What is a health and safety policy?
A health and safety policy is a document outlining your company’s approach to health and safety. It should detail the different ways you intend to address, minimise, and resolve any health and safety issues in the workplace. There are many health and safety policy examples online, but you’re responsible for drafting your own report as the policy must apply directly to the work you carry out. As every business is different, their health and safety policies must vary accordingly.
As an employer, you’re legally and morally obligated to put your employees’ best interest first and ensure that you create a safe workplace. A workplace health and safety policy is a great way to ensure you meet these obligations. Without an appropriate policy, you put yourself (and your employees) at risk and can even face legal or financial repercussions.
Does my business need a health and safety policy?
A health and safety policy in the UK is a legal requirement for any business with five or more employees. This should be written down, the document stored digitally, and employees given access to the text. If you make any changes, you need to inform your employees, so they remain up to speed with the policy and all it entails.
Businesses with fewer than five employees should still create a workplace health and safety policy to protect their staff and company. Plus, if your organisation grows to employ more than five people in the future you’ll be ready to meet your legal health and safety obligations.
When should I use a health and safety policy?
Your health and safety policy will inform the day-to-day running of your business. For example, the procedures you detail should be commonplace and not just a formality. This is the only way you can ensure the continuous safety of your employees. However, you can also consult your health and safety policy if an accident occurs at work, as it will provide guidance on what to do next.
Studies have shown that companies with well-crafted health and safety policies, who then implement the changes detailed in the report, perform much better than those without one. This means there are fewer accidents or health and safety breaches at work, creating a much safer and more productive work environment for all.
What is the law on health and safety?
In the UK there are numerous laws designed to promote better workplace health and safety. The most prominent is the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974. This legislation dictates:
“It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees.”
To put it simply, this means that employers must ensure that they:
- Operate the business with health and safety in mind
- Put a system in place that protects employees from harm/injury
- Provide employees with appropriate training and guidance
What are the consequences for a health and safety policy breach?
If your company fails to follow the legislation, regardless as to whether it results in injury or harm, you can face serious legal consequences. This includes:
- An unlimited fine
- Imprisonment
However, the consequences of poor health and safety management can be much more severe. If you don’t implement a health and safety policy, you could cause serious harm to an employee, which could even result in their death. Consequently, you could be tried under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act, 2007.
To ensure the safety of your employees, you must also work in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999. The legislation requires employers to conduct regular risk assessments, develop appropriate emergency procedures, and provide health surveillance.
Health surveillance is a process where you monitor the health of your employees over time, by organising medical checks. This can help ensure that their work doesn’t cause long term damage to their wellbeing.
Who is responsible for writing the health and safety policy?
Writing a health and safety policy isn’t the responsibility of a specific person. Often it will be created by the health and safety executive, a manager, or business owner. Who writes a health and safety policy at work can depend on the size of the company.
However, employers hold responsibility for workplace health and safety. Therefore any health and safety policy document should be signed by the head of the organisation (whether they created it or not). This could be the CEO or managing director, depending on the company structure.
How often should a health and safety policy be reviewed?
Your health and safety policy should be reviewed at least once a year. You should also review and update your workplace health and safety policy at other key times, such as if you introduce new equipment or processes. Should the worst happen, and a serious incident occurs, then you should review your health and safety policy in light of the event.
What should a health and safety policy include?
Writing a health and safety policy can be difficult, especially if you have little experience in the field. Thankfully, at Protecting, we can do most of the hard work for you – helping you craft the perfect policy for you and your company. However, understanding what a basic health and safety policy should include is useful.
Any health and safety policy document can be split into three subsections.
- Part One: Statement of Intent
- Part Two: Responsibilities for Health and Safety
- Part Three: Arrangements for Health and Safety
What is a health and safety statement of intent?
A health and safety statement of intent is a section that explains your general policy for health and safety in the workplace. This details how you will try to meet these standards in the everyday running of your business. It should demonstrate your commitment to your employees and clearly lay out your health and safety aims.
For example, one of your aims may be to reduce the number of workplace incidents or to minimise the number of sickness absences. The health and safety statement of intent should be revised frequently – at least once per year. It must also be signed by whoever is in charge, even if they didn’t write the document themselves.
What responsibilities should be included in a basic health and safety policy?
You must write down the names of who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace and what their role entails. For example, the list will include any staff that are trained in first aid, and your health and safety executive. Ensure the list is up to date and thorough. This section should seek to answer the question:
Who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace?
Responsibility for health and safety in the workplace is hierarchical, though every employee plays a role. The main people responsible for health and safety in the workplace are:
- Managing Director
- Health and safety manager
- Line manager
- First aid trained employees
- Individual employees
However, the responsibilities for health and safety section should consist of more than just the person’s names. You need to outline their responsibilities clearly. For example, the line manager may be responsible for keeping a record of accidents and injuries. If an injury is serious, they’re responsible for passing this information onto the health and safety executive.
In the same way you’re responsible for the safety of your employees, the general workforce must also assume some responsibility. For example, they’re responsible for following all health and safety related guidance, using equipment safely, and prioritising the safety of those around them.
What is the arrangement for a health and safety policy?
The arrangements for health and safety section will likely be the longest and most detailed part. It should include details of the arrangements and procedures you have in place to protect your employees. You need to ensure all health and safety concerns are addressed. This includes:
Health concerns
- Exposure to excessive noise in the workplace
- Exposure to potentially harmful substances at work
- Long and short term effects of manual handling
- Long and short term effects of sitting at a desk for long periods of time
Safety concerns
- Any injuries that your employee could receive in the workplace, and how severe the injury may be
- What tools, substances and equipment could cause injury
The above list is by no means exhaustive but should provide a clear picture of the various risks you need to address in your health and safety policy document. However, it’s not enough to simply identify the issues. You need to have a plan to eradicate the problem or minimise the risks associated with the issue.
Therefore, each time you identify a health and safety risk or hazard, you must include a short summary of how you’re going to address this issue moving forward. For example, excessive noise within the workplace and can permanently damage your employee’s hearing. While you can’t guarantee a quiet workplace, you can minimise the associated risks by providing them with appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment), such as earplugs or headphones. To ensure this is working, you can arrange for employees to have regular hearing checks (surveillance).
This section of your workplace health and safety policy should include:
- Risk assessments
- First aid procedures
- Machinery/equipment safety procedures/information
- PPE use
- Training you provide (such as safe use of equipment)
- Details of workplace monitoring
- Specific responsibilities of the safety manager in accordance with each health and safety issue
- Emergency protocols (guidance on what to do should the unexpected happen)
How do I put together a health and safety policy?
Take your time when writing a health and safety policy. Once written down, your policy can be used against you in court should a breach occur. Therefore, it’s essential that you don’t make any mistakes. At Protecting, we can help provide you with a health and safety policy template to get you started.
We have experience working with companies of all sizes, creating health and safety policy templates for small businesses in the UK, as well as larger, more experienced companies. Create your health and safety documents online today. Enjoy a free 15-day trial of our easy-to-use online software that includes templates and guidance to create your own basic health and safety policy.