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Near Miss Reporting Toolbox Talk

Below you’ll find a complete free toolbox talk about near misses reporting. Learn from the toolbox talk online and put in place processes to report a near miss in your workplace. View and download 60+ free online talks covering various other topics with our toolbox talks kit.

Reporting near misses


A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, damage, or product loss – but had the potential to do so. The difference between a near miss and a full-blown incident is often a fraction of a second or a fraction of an inch that may not be there next time.

Near misses are warnings of accidents in the making. By accepting these warnings and looking for their causes, we can prevent these situations from recurring. A near miss accident or incident report is vital to control such risks in the future.

Discussion points

The prevention and elimination of accidents can only be progressed by reporting near misses as they occur. Without near missess reporting no incident investigations will be carried out and none of the problems and warnings will be spotted. As a result, any learning points found cannot be communicated to others, who will therefore still be “at risk”.

A near miss can be considered as an indication that something is wrong, maybe with the system of work. It’s important that everyone is warned by each near miss that occurs so that standards can be improved. That’s why compiling a near miss accident report is important after any incident.

Ignoring near misses and the conditions that lead to them is an open invitation for an accident to occur. Don’t shrug off the near misses because nothing happened, find out why they happened and propose improvements to ensure they don’t happen again. This can only be done with your help, by reporting near misses as they occur.

If you can, give examples of near misses from your own experience or from your site.

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