
System includes

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Protective Clothing Toolbox Talk

Wearing appropriate clothing when handling equipment and machinery is essential to reduce the risk of injury. Use this free protective clothing toolbox talk to identify hazards and reduce them in your workplace. Explore more TBTs and view and download 60+ others that cover everything with our toolbox talks kit.

Free online toolbox talk about protective clothing


Many accidents occur because people on site don’t pay sufficient attention to their own health and safety. You can do a great deal to protect yourself simply by knowing what is available, wearing the correct clothing, and using the protective equipment appropriate to your job.

Employers are obliged by law to provide workers, without charge, with any items identified as necessary to protect health and safety. The following list of personal protection are examples of such items but it is not exhaustive.

Main points

You are required by law to cooperate and wear such clothing and equipment where the circumstances demand it, store it in an appropriate place, and report any defects.

Save time making your health and safety docs with Protecting. Produce RAMS, risk assessments, and method statements online in minutes with our easy-to-use health and safety software. Start your free 15-day trial today.