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Warehouse Risk Assessment Checklist

forklift truck next to shelves in a warehouse.There are all sorts of warehouse hazards in the workplace, from falling boxes injuring workers to forklift truck accidents and fire risks. Conducting a warehouse risk assessment is vital for any type and size of warehouse in the UK to protect employees. Identify dangers and build an effective safety management plan with this warehouse checklist.

You must carry out risk assessments in warehouses to comply with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. This includes reviewing all warehouse hazards and putting in place control measures. They should minimise and eliminate the risk of injuries and incidents where possible to protect workers.

Meet your legal and moral obligations with the professional warehouse risk assessment checklist created by our health and safety experts. It aims to help you identify warehouse hazards and inform your risk assessments. Tick off all relevant hazards then use our risk assessment software to create unlimited risk assessments online.

Warehouse health and safety checklist

Heavy machinery, working from height, and moving vehicles all pose health and safety risks in warehouses. These include manual handling, fire risks, and slips, trips, and falls that could cause all sorts of injuries and illnesses. It’s important that you look at every potential warehouse hazard and plan to control it effectively.

Get help creating a risk assessment for warehouse activities with our professional health and safety checklist. We’ve pulled together many of the possible hazards you might find in your warehouse so you can easily check them off against your workplace. Identify any warehouse hazards and use this information to create efficient risk assessments.

This checklist isn’t a risk assessment itself but a guide to inform one. Answer all the questions about your warehouse and assess the results to form effective risk assessments that help safeguard workers. Hazards have been grouped together for ease. Use the below warehouse health and safety checklist for any UK workplace.

Warehouse slips, trips, and falls hazards

Are there any obstructions on the warehouse floor that could cause a slip, trip, or fall from:

Falling object hazards

Are there any objects that could fall on people such as:

Warehouse electrical hazards

Is there any risk of persons receiving an electrical shock from:

Electrical equipment hazard checklist

Substance-related hazards

Are there any substances used that could cause harm from contact or inhalation, such as:

Warehouse machinery hazards

Is machinery installed and used in a safe manner to minimise danger to others, such as:

Warehouse fire hazards

Are flammable materials stored or used in a manner that could cause a fire, such as:

Fire safety checklist

Ventilation hazards

Are there any hazards associated with ventilation, such as:

Manual handling and workstation hazards

Do working positions pose a hazard that could cause muscular strains, such as:

Hygiene hazards

Do sanitary provisions require improving to reduce the risk of infection or contamination, such as:

Warehouse accidents and first aid

First aid checklist

Any identified warehouse hazards should be evaluated using a risk assessment. Try our health and safety software with a free 15-day trial and create unlimited risk assessments for any warehouse. Use templates, make your own, edit and store risk assessments online with speed and ease.