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What is RIDDOR?

woman submitting a RIDDOR report on a laptop.RIDDOR is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. This is UK legislation that requires employers to report and record workplace accidents and incidents that result in a fatality, serious injuries, certain diseases, and other dangerous occurrences. It provides a structured approach to reporting health and safety incidents.

Understanding what RIDDOR is and how it works is important to all employers as they have a legal duty for such reporting and record keeping. It holds employers responsible for any poor working conditions or negligence that results in workplace injuries and fatalities. Employers meet their duty of care and can improve health and safety procedures.

We’ve answered your key questions about what RIDDOR is, why it’s important, and how it works to make recording and reporting incidents in your workplace easy.

When did RIDDOR come into force?

RIDDOR was first introduced in 1995 to replace the Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (NADOR), which was brought in from 1980. It was then updated with changes coming into force from 1 October 2013, which is the current version.

These changes were to:

Why is RIDDOR important?

RIDDOR is important to protect employees and businesses from hazards and risks of accidents, injuries, and illness due to work-related incidents. More than 500,000 injuries still happen at workplaces across the UK every year with 1.8 million people suffering from work-related illnesses. RIDDOR aims to encourage the following of proper health and safety protocols.

It places a responsibility on employers to report accidents. This helps the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) keep a record of work-related incidents. Such information is used to identify trends of where and how workplace risks occur to take action and reduce the chance of them happening.

Ignoring RIDDOR and failing to report relevant incidents to RIDDOR is breaking the law, which can result in fines and other penalties. This legal obligation aims to encourage employers to take their health and safety seriously, carry out risk assessments, and keep records, which can all help make workplaces safer.

What is a RIDDOR report?

A RIDDOR report is a record of a work-related accident or incident submitted to the HSE. There are five online forms you can fill in and use to make a RIDDOR report. These detail the nature and important information about the accident or incident. They’re submitted to the RIDDOR database, but you can also download and save a copy.

The five different types of RIDDOR reports are for:

What things must be reported to RIDDOR?

Only work-related accidents that result in a reportable injury need reporting to RIDDOR. Reportable injuries are:

What is not reportable under RIDDOR?

Not all workplace accidents and incidents need reporting to RIDDOR. Some of the main exemptions from RIDDOR reporting are accidents:

Who should submit a RIDDOR report?

Responsible persons should submit a RIDDOR report, which includes employers, people in control of work premises, and the self-employed. If you’re self-employed but experience a reportable accident working in someone else’s premises then the person in control of the premises should submit a RIDDOR report. If it happens at home or on your own premises while working self-employed then you must report it.

How long do you have to report to RIDDOR?

A RIDDOR report should be submitted within 10 days of the incident. Any accidents that lead to the incapacitation of a worker for longer than seven days should submit a RIDDOR report within 15 days of the accident. Any cases of occupational disease must be reported to RIDDOR as soon as possible after a diagnosis.

How to report to RIDDOR

The easiest way is to report to RIDDOR online. There are five different online forms you can use on the HSE website for each type of report. Simply fill in the relevant details and submit your RIDDOR report online. For more information visit the HSE website.

You can report just fatal accidents or accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers over the phone to RIDDOR. Call 0345 300 9923 to make a RIDDOR report over the phone.

How long should RIDDOR records be kept?

You must keep RIDDOR records for at least three years after they’ve been submitted. However, it’s advisable to keep them for at least six years or as long as possible in case there are any legal issues in the future. Maintaining a copy of your RIDDOR reports helps protect your organisation and show that proper procedures were followed.

Find more help and answers to important questions with our health and safety FAQs.